ISO 27001 Certification
Every company likes to protect its data and wants to have privacy for its information. But without proper protection, the information might be in hands of illegal people. That&rsquo's why we need to follow international standard Certification ISO 27001 which is created basically for IT. Implementing these standards and getting certified will not only save your precious information assets but even help you to gain more customers outside the world. In this context, I would like to give you a gist about ISO 27001 meaning, purpose, benefits of getting certified, certification process, and post-certification process.
ISO 27001:2013 is an internationally recognized security standard that is used for Information security management systems (ISMS). It provides guidelines in order to secure your internal information such as the structure of your organization, worker's details, and anything which is related to business that protects you from all kinds of cybercrimes.
Meaning of ISO 27001 Information Security management system (ISMS)
As the name tells, it is a broad way of managing and protecting the information that is very valuable to the organization. It provides legal approval for the business in order to safeguard your data from reaching unlawful individuals.ISO 27001 has 10 clausesThis standard is suitable for any kind of organization irrespective of size, object, or the complexity of the business.
Purpose of ISO 27001:2013
- It will keep your confidential information safe and only the approved person gets access to such information.
- No changes can be made to the data without prior approval.
- It makes sure that the data is available for the users whenever required.
How to get ISO 27001 Certification
Follow these 3 simple steps to get ISO certification for your company.
Step-1: Application
The organization has to learn completely about the standard. Then you must appoint an accredited certification body for the process as ISO will not provide the certificate. Then you should analyze all the gaps in your organization's structure through an internal audit system. You must prepare a document according to the requirement of the standard.
Step-2: Verification
After all the documents are prepared and submitted to the body, they will analyze the data. After verifying the information given by the company, they will come to check the function of the organization physically and whether they have taken necessary measures for the improvement of the organization.
Step-3: Certification
After all, the documents submitted and verification is both ways and they are satisfied, the certification body will provide an ISO 27001:2013 certificate for the organization.
Documents Required for ISO 27001 certification
- Structure of your organization.
- Information about your staff.
- International standard policy and it's objective.
- An audit report of an internal system.
- ISMS manual.
- Assessment of risk and measures taken.
- Management committee meeting report.
- Statement of applicability.
- There are 144 controls in ISO 27001-2013, which you should select according to the applicability of particular control.
How Long Does ISO Certification Last?
Iso 27001 Validity Period is Given Below
- The certification provided will be valid for 3 years.
- The certifying body will check every 12 months whether the requirement of standards is not compromised.
- After the expiry of the certificate, the body will again conduct an audit of the organization, and it won’t be a lengthy process.
Is ISO Certification is Mandatory in India
No, it is not compulsory to have ISO certification, but getting ISO certified comes with benefits to the organization.
What can be the cost of ISO certification in India?
iso 27001 certification cost in India? ISO certification in India might cost according to the size of the company.
How Long Does it take to get iso 27001 Certification?
It basically depends upon the size and complexity of organizations. On average it might take 6 to 12 months to provide you a certificate after the process has been followed.
Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification
- For any organization, customers, and stakeholders are very important. So getting certified will help to gain the trust of outsiders investing here as they might like to invest in certified Companies.
- It provides a formal system for managing risks and taking new steps to reduce the risks of the company.
- As the information of the customers are preserved safely, thus it ends in customer satisfaction
- It boosts confidence in investors to invest in our company.
- There is no need to be afraid of any external threats to your data.
- It helps in preventing any kind of loss to the business.