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FSSAI Central License in Madhya Pradesh

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Customer Rating: 5.0

Expected To Be Complete* : 22 Feb 2025

Note: Above mentioned price are inclusive of Government fees of 1 year.


  • PAN Card of the Business/Proprietor

  • Certificate of Incorporation, if required

  • Business Objective of the Business/Proprietor

  • Memorandum of Association, If required

  • List of Directors with full address and contact details (mandatory for companies only) in the letterhead, if required

  • Food Safety Management System plan or certificate (if any)

  • Declaration Form

  • Photo I.D and address proof issued by Government authority Director(s)/Authorised Signatory.

  • Proof of possession of premises. (Sale deed/ Rent agreement/ Electricity bill, etc.) .

  • Form IX: Nomination of Persons by a Company alongwith the Board Resolution.

  • Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit showing the dimensions in metres/square metres and operation-wise area allocation (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only)

  • Name and List of Equipments and Machinery along with the number, installed capacity and horse power used (mandatory for manufacturing and processing units only)

  • List of food category desired to be manufactured. (In case of manufacturers)

  • Analysis report (Chemical & Bacteriological) of water to be used as ingredient in food from a recognized/ public health laboratory to confirm the potable (mandatory only for manufacturing and processing units only)

  • Production unit photograph, if required


Central FSSAI License Certificate


Step-1 Collection of Documents.

Step-2 Preparation of documents and get it signed and stamped from the client.

Step-3 Online Filing of FSSAI Central Application.

Step-3 Approval from FSSAI Department.


Apply within 2 working days post submission of documents and FSSAI department will take 15 days to 60 days for approval.

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Central FSSAI license Documents, Fees and procedure

Every food business is required to have an FSSAI license for many legal benefits. Depending upon the size and complexity of the business one must obtain a basic or state or central FSSAI license.
In this context, let’s see about the meaning of the FSSAI license, the eligibility criteria for the Fssai license, the registration process, and related queries, and the benefits of having a central FSSAI license for your organization.

What is the central FSSAI license?

Central FSSAI license is a type of license issued for food business operators whose turnover is more than 20 crores such business shall have an l FSSAI license.

Eligibility for obtaining central FSSAI license

  • Food operating business whose turnover is more than 20 crores.
  • Food businesses that have multiple businesses set up in various states.
  • Dairy production units whose production limit is from 50000 liters or 2500 megatons.
  • Vegetable oil processing units produce up to 2 MT.
  • Slaughtering units produce 50 large animals, 150 small animals, and 1000 poultry birds.
  • Meat processing units produce a capacity of 50 kg or 150 megatons.
  • Food processing units produce 2 megatons daily.
  • Food business operating abroad.
  • Refrigerators or cold storage facilities store up to 1000 megatons or more.
  • The wholesaler's food business has more than 30 crore turnover annually.
  • Food retailers and distributors have a turnover of more than 20 crore turnover annually.
  • Catering food businesses or food marketers have more than 20 crores turnover annually.
  • Hotels have a 20 crore rupees turnover annually.
  • Food catering services were established under the government.

So these are the eligibility criteria needed to get a central FSSAI license

Documents Required for obtaining central FSSAI license

These are the documents you must prepare before you start the process of application.

  1. FORM – B.
  2. Complete details about partners if the license is for a partnership firm.
  3. Business premises details such as utility bill, NOC if the place is rented, etc.
  4. Copy of MOA, AOA, and COI of the company.
  5. Details of members of co-operative society in case the license is for co-operative society.
  6. Food management system plan of the company.
  7. Details about machines used in the company.
  8. List raw material suppliers.
  9. If it is a hotel business you must submit a tourism certificate.
  10. IEC certificate.

These are the documents you must produce in the process of application.

What is the process for Registering FSSAI central license?

The procedure to obtain any type of FSSAI license is similar to other FSSAI licenses.

  1. Follow these simple steps stated below,
  • For obtaining FSSAI central license, you must have to file FORM – B from the FOSCOS portal either online or offline.
  • Fill up the application form and attach all the documents that are required along with the form.
  • After submitting the application within 6 working days you will be notified whether your application is accepted or rejected.
  • If the application is accepted, the department of food authority will inspect your organization physically in order to grant you the certificate.
  • If the department is satisfied with your provided documents and inspection they will issue you the central FSSAI license.

So these were the simple steps to be followed to obtain a central FSSAI license.


Central FSSAI License Question and Answer 

What is the time taken to issue an FSSAI license?

The FSSAI takes about 30 days to issue any state or central license.

What is the validity period for the central FSSAI license?

For any type of FSSAI license, the validity period ranges from 1 to 5 years.

Renewal of FSSAI license?

Yes, the FSSAI license can be renewed every year 30 days before the expiry of the license and through FOSCOS portal you can renew your license.

Cost of obtaining central FSSAI license in India?

The government of India has fixed the cost of the FSSAI central license is ? 7000 for one year.

Benefits of having a central FSSAI license

  • Obtaining a central FSSAI license helps you to improve business credibility over a period of time.
  • Having validation for delivering qualified food products helps you to gain more customers.
  • Helps you to move faster among other organizations in the competitive market.
  • Having an FSSAI license helps you to expand your business locally and internationally.
  • As the central FSSAI license is meant for Companies and is a huge turnover, it helps to arrange funds easily by attracting more investors.

So this was about the central FSSAI license, hope it is useful.

FAQs of FSSAI Central License in Madhya Pradesh

FSSAI central license is a mandatory requirement for food business operators (FBOs) who carry out their business on an inter-state level.
FBOs involved in food import/export, large-scale food manufacturing and processing units, and food catering services for railways, airlines, and airports require a FSSAI central license.
The validity of the FSSAI central license ranges from 1-5 years, depending on the preference of the FB
The FBO can apply for the FSSAI central license online through the FSSAI website. The application must be supported by the required documents, such as a list of directors/partners, food safety management plan, NOC from the municipality, and others.
Yes, it is mandatory to display the FSSAI central license at a prominent place in the business premises.

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