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Startup India Registration Fees in Dadra Nagar Haveli

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Customer Rating: 5.0

Expected To Be Complete* : 22 Feb 2025

There is no government fee for startup India registration, this professional fee is charged by the professional for providing support for obtaining it. Pitch deck will not provide at this price, You need to pay extra for Pitch deck.

Documents Required IN DADRA NAGAR HAVELI

  1. Certificate of Incorporation / Registration Certificate and PAN
  2.  Email ID and Mobile number  
  3. Company Details (Industry, Sector, Category, Regd. Office Address, etc.)
  4. Directors/Partners Details (Name, Photo, Gender, Mobile No. Email ID, Full Address)
  5. Details of Authorized Representative (Name, Designation, Mobile No. Email ID)
  6. A Brief about business and products/services and notes on innovations
  7.  Revenue model and Uniqueness of the Product
  8. Pitchdeck
  9. Website
  10. Orgazation DSC (Combo DSC)


Startup India Registration Certificate.
Organization DSC



  • Apply within 5 working days post submission of documents and the department will take 2 Weeks for approval.

Customer Review

Customers Review About Startup India Registration Fees

Startup India Registration Fees in Dadra Nagar Haveli , Process and Documents

Start-ups are the new trend in India. These companies can be Private Companies orPublic Companies or LLP. This type of company can be started with a single person or small group of members who come together with a new idea or renovate the existing idea and market them, so this is what start-ups are.
Start-ups are small and innovative. They are always open to new challenges, adapt to changes in market conditions, and adopt new technologies for the betterment of the business.
Funding for start-ups is made simple. The government of India has issued 10000 crore rupees as capital for start-up businesses. Further, it also assures any banking institutions of funding to these types of companies. The benefit of getting registered as a start-up is that you are exempted from tax for 3 years if you have a certificate from Inter-ministerial Board(IB).
For Research and development start-ups, 7 new research have been set up for encouraging start-ups.
Investors who are interested in funding start-ups are eligible for exemption of capital gains from the government. So isn’t it good news for start-ups as they face a lot of financial problems?
But start-ups face a lot of problems. Many start-ups cannot stand long in the market due to a lack of strategies. Also, this type of business won’t reap immediately after sowing, it takes a lot of time and patience. Many people hesitate to join hands with start-ups as they include risks and also it is very stressful as you have to work for hours and yet will be paid less. The above prices are included Startup India Registration Fees in Dadra Nagar Haveli ' govt fees which are zero.


Startup India Registration

Process For Startup India Registration

In order to register your company as a start-up, first, you need to incorporate your company as a private company or public company, or as LLP by following normal procedures prescribed for these types of companies.
The next step is to register your company as a start-up online, which is very easy. You have to log on to the start-up India website and fill up the details in the form. You will get OTP and validate it. Your profile is created.
Then you must obtain Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Recognition. This helps the start-ups to avail some advantages like getting access to intellectual property services, easy winding up of business, funding facilities, and 3 years of tax exemption.
You just have to choose the Get recognized button or if your existing user you must go to your dashboard and then click DPIIT recognition. You have filled out the start-up recognition form and submitted it. For that, you will be required,

  • Incorporation certificate of a start-up.

  • Director details.

  • Pan number.

  • Trademark or patent details if required.

After submitting all the requirements you will get your recognition certificate within 2 days. Make sure that whatever you have uploaded must be valid, in case it turns out forged or not valid you will have to bear a penalty of 50% of your paid-up capital of the minimum fine of Rs. 25 thousand.
If your start-up requires any trademark or patent registration you can go to the officer of the start-up registry and apply for it with an 80% of exemption on the expenses.


Mandatory Documents Required  for Startup India registering process

  • Incorporation certificate.

  • Registration certificate.

  • PAN card.

  • Contact details of the applicant.

  • Information about Companies.

  • Details about directors.

  • Details about authorized representatives by the company.

  • Product description.

  • Website pitch, deck video patent any 1.

So this was all about start-ups and their registration process. Hope it is helpful.

FAQs of Startup India Registration Fees in Dadra Nagar Haveli

 Start-ups are the new trend in India. These companies can be Private Companies Public Companies or LLP. This type of company can be started with a single person or small group of members who come together with a new idea or renovate the existing idea and market them, so this is what start-ups are.
Start-ups are small and innovative. They are always open to new challenges, adapt to changes in the market conditions, adopt new technologies for the betterment of the business.
Funding for start-ups is made simple. The government of India has issued 10000 crore rupees as capital for start-up businesses. Further, it also assures any banking institutions for funding to these types of companies. The benefit of getting registered as a start-up is that you are exempted from tax for 3 years if you have a certificate from Inter-ministerial Board (IB).
For Research and development start-ups, 7 new research have been set up for encouraging start-ups.
Investors who are interested in funding start-ups are eligible for exemption of capital gains from the government. So isn’t it good news for start-ups as they face a lot of financial problems?
But start-ups face a lot of problems. Many start-ups cannot stand long in the market due to a lack of strategies. Also, this type of business won’t reap immediately after sowing, it takes a lot of time and patience. Many people hesitate to join hands with start-ups as they include risks and also it is very stressful as you have to work for hours and yet you will be paid less.

  • Incorporation certificate.
  • Registration certificate.
  • PAN card.
  • Contact details of the applicant.
  • Information about Companies.
  • Details about directors.
  • Details about authorized representatives by the company.
  • Product description.
  • Website pitch, deck video patent any 1.

Section 80-IAC allows a deduction to the incorporated start-up, provided its turnover does not exceed Rs. 100 crore in the previous year for which deduction has been claimed under section.

 Eligibility For Startup Registration

  • The company to be formed must be a private limited company or a limited liability partnership.
  • It should be a new firm or not older than five years, and the total turnover of the company should not exceed 25 crores. 

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