Trademark Renewal in Assam : The Process, Benefits, and Importance
A trademark is a graphical representation, such as a symbol or logo, that represents an organization and its brand. Registering a trademark is crucial for protecting your brand from infringement. A registered trademark is valid for ten years and can be renewed and restored after that period.
The process of renewing a trademark
involves several steps. Trademark renewal can be registered online or offline with the trademark registry office located in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Chennai. Before the expiry of the trademark certificate, a period of six months is given to renew it. Failure to renew your trademark will result in its removal from the trademark journal by advertisement.
To renew a trademark, you must file an application form called form TR-R and attach necessary documents such as a registration certificate copy, trademark registration application form copy (TM-A), and the applicant's identity and address proof. If the renewal process is performed by an authorized person, they should submit power of attorney.
The registrar will verify the application and publish the trademark in the official gazette of the trademark journal if there are no objections. If the proposed name receives no objections, the registrar will issue a renewed certificate that is valid for the next ten years.
Renewing your trademark has several benefits
such as preventing other businesses from using your brand name or logo, improving customer confidence in your organization, protecting your trademark from infringement, and improving goodwill, which attracts investors and shareholders to invest in your company. Additionally, registering and renewing your trademark provides monetary benefits.
In conclusion, trademark renewal is an essential process that should not be ignored. Renewing your trademark helps protect your brand from infringement and provides numerous benefits. It is highly recommended to register and renew your trademark regularly.