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Name Correction in Jharkhand

at Just


Expected To Be Complete* : 11 Mar 2025

CD-40Rs/- Courier-500Rs/- Advertisement-1000Rs/- Affidavit-100Rs/- (Prices can vary according to state & mode of advertisement.)

FAQs of Name Correction in Jharkhand

Name correction refers to the process of changing or correcting a person's name on official documents such as passports, driver's licenses, and other legal documents. This is typically done to ensure that the name on the document matches the person's current legal name.
People may need to correct their name for a variety of reasons, such as changing their name due to marriage or divorce, correcting a spelling error on official documents, or updating their name to reflect a gender transition.
The documents required for name correction may vary depending on the specific situation. In general, you will need to provide some form of government-issued identification, such as a passport or driver's license, as well as documentation that proves the name change, such as a marriage certificate or court order.
The time it takes to correct your name will depend on the specific situation and the government agency or organization processing your request. In general, it can take several weeks to several months to complete the name correction process.

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