Reasons for the Name Change in Gujarat :
- The middle or Last name is missing
- Different names on Certificates and documents
- Misspelled Name
- Name changes after marriage
- Name changes after divorce
- Name change in the birth certificate and school leaving certificate
- Name change in case of adoption
- Name Change in Gujarat due to numerology and astrology
- Name change in case of religious change
- Change in Gender
Change Your Name in 3 easy steps.
Step 1. Affidavit Submission – “If applicants want to use a surname that is different from his/her father’s or mother’s surname, or if an applicant does not have a surname and wishes to add a surname, then he/she has to submit an affidavit attested by the first-class magistrate of the concerned area”
Step 2. Ad Publication -After Affidavit publishes the advertisement in the newspaper in this format “I, Ram r/o Delhi have changed my name to Ram Kumar vide affidavit no. XXXXXXXXXXXX on dd/mm/yyyy.”
Step 3. Gazette Notification- After applying for the name change in the Gazette Wait for the Gazette Notification, after the notification your name will be legally changed.
Documents required/ information For the Name Change in Gujarat
- New Name
- Address Proof
- Id Proof
- Passport-sized Photo
Documents required to be sent to the department of the publication.
- Undertaking
- Original Newspaper
- Two copies of the gazette format
- CD- in word file
- Two self-attested photos
- Self-certificate
- Request letter
- Fees payment receipt
- Self-attested ID proof
- Original affidavit
The above-listed documents and a forwarding letter must be submitted to The Controller of Publications, Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. The papers must be submitted either personally or sent by post/courier to the department.
Gazette Fees of Name Change in Gujarat
- For Name Change in Gujarat - Rs.1100
- For Name Correction- Rs. 1400
- For Name Change in Gujarat of Minor- Rs.1700
Additional Fees of Name Change in Gujarat
- 1. For alias- Rs 250 (for each alias)
- For Mention of D/o or W/o- Rs 250
- For Mentioning
• “I have changed my name and not my religion”- Rs. 250
• “I have changed my religion and not my name”- Rs. 250