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Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli

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Expected To Be Complete* : 27 Feb 2025

CD-40 Courier-500 Advertisement-1000 Affidavit-100 (Prices can vary according to state & mode of advertisement.)

Required Documents And Information IN DADRA NAGAR HAVELI

  • PAN
  • Aadhar
  • Phone No
  • Email ID
  • Photo
  • Correct Name


Reasons for the Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli :

  1. The middle or Last name is missing
  2. Different names on Certificates and documents
  3. Misspelled Name
  4. Name changes after marriage
  5. Name changes after divorce
  6. Name change in the birth certificate and school leaving certificate
  7. Name change in case of adoption
  8. Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli due to numerology and astrology
  9. Name change in case of religious change
  10. Change in Gender

Change Your Name in 3 easy steps.

Step 1. Affidavit Submission – “If applicants want to use a surname that is different from his/her father’s or mother’s surname, or if an applicant does not have a surname and wishes to add a surname, then he/she has to submit an affidavit attested by the first-class magistrate of the concerned area”

Step 2. Ad Publication -After Affidavit publishes the advertisement in the newspaper in this format “I, Ram r/o Delhi have changed my name to Ram Kumar vide affidavit no. XXXXXXXXXXXX on dd/mm/yyyy.”

Step 3. Gazette Notification- After applying for the name change in the Gazette Wait for the Gazette Notification, after the notification your name will be legally changed.

Documents required/ information For the Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli

  1. New Name
  2. Address Proof
  3. Id Proof
  4. Passport-sized Photo

Documents required to be sent to the department of the publication.

  1. Undertaking
  2. Original Newspaper
  3. Two copies of the gazette format
  4. CD- in word file
  5. Two self-attested photos
  6. Self-certificate
  7. Request letter
  8. Fees payment receipt
  9. Self-attested ID proof
  10. Original affidavit

The above-listed documents and a forwarding letter must be submitted to The Controller of Publications, Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. The papers must be submitted either personally or sent by post/courier to the department.

Gazette Fees of Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli

  1. For Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli - Rs.1100
  2. For Name Correction- Rs. 1400
  3. For Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli of Minor- Rs.1700

Additional Fees of Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli

  1. 1. For alias- Rs 250 (for each alias)
  2. For Mention of D/o or W/o- Rs 250
  3. For Mentioning

• “I have changed my name and not my religion”- Rs. 250

• “I have changed my religion and not my name”- Rs. 250

How to pay Gazette Fees

Payment will be made through the “Bharat Kosh (Bharatkosh.gov.in)portal.

FAQs of Name Change in Dadra Nagar Haveli

People change their names for various reasons, such as getting married, divorcing, wanting to distance themselves from their past, or simply preferring a new name.
Changing your name should not affect your credit score, as credit reporting agencies use your Social Security number and other identifying information to track your credit history.
In most cases, you do not need a lawyer to change your name. However, if you are changing your name for legal reasons, such as to escape domestic violence or to avoid harassment, it may be helpful to consult with a lawyer.
Yes, your old name will still appear on some legal documents, such as your birth certificate, unless you obtain a court order to have it changed.

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