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Copyright Registration in Manipur

at Just


Expected To Be Complete* : 19 Mar 2025

The above price includes government fees.


  • KYC of Application

  • Detail of work that need to be copyright


  • Application of copyright registration


Step-1 Collection of documents and details regarding copyright registration

Step-2 Drafting of copyright registration application by the expert

Step-3 Online filing of copyright registration application


Four weeks of post-submission of documents

How to do Copyright Registration in Manipur Online

While we make copyright registration a simple 3-step process for you, the actual registration process is detailed and explained below for your information:

  •  Detail and Document Archive

Based on the type of work, we will choose the right copyright application for you. We will collect all the necessary information and documents required for the process. You will be sent a letter of authorization for signing.

  • Filling out and filing a copyright application

After all the details have been collected and verified by us, our experts will prepare the copyright application and submit the required forms to the registrar electronically.

  • Dairy Number and Copyright Test

After submitting the application you will get a diary number. Using this you can track your application.

There is a 30-day waiting period within which the copyright examiner reviews the application for potential discrepancies and/or objections. If there is any discrepancy, a notice will be issued and a reply will have to be made within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice.

  •  Copyright Registration in Manipur

Once the discrepancy has been rectified or there is no discrepancy or objection with the application, the copyright will be registered. The Copyright Office will issue an extract from the Copyright Register (ROC) / Certificate of Registration.

The registration of copyright may take up to 12 months from the date of issue of the diary number. Our team will keep you informed of changes in the status of your application throughout that time. If there are any clarifications and/or defects in the application on your account that need to be corrected, we will do so for you at an additional cost.

In case of objection to your application from interested parties or the examiner, you have to file a reply within 45 days.


Copyright Registration in Manipur Online

Copyright is the legal right that creators are entitled to for their literary, drama, musical, and artistic works. Producers of films and recordings also enjoy this right. When an owner registers for copyright, it gives them the exclusive right to reproduce, replicate and distribute the work. In addition, they may confer rights on any other entity for the same purpose.

Registering for copyright is important because it makes you the legal owner of the rights to the work. You then have control over its access to the public, reproduction rights, and any adaptations or translations of the works.

Benefits of Copyright Registration in Manipur  a public record of ownership

  • When a work is copyrighted, it is registered on the public record, thereby establishing ownership.
  • copyright infringement
  • In case of copyright infringement, authors can sue the infringers to secure their work and claim statutory compensation.
  • Prevents the import of duplicates
  • Owners can record the registration with Indian Customs and prevent duplicate copies of the work from being imported.
  • commercial use of by-products
  • Control by-products or derivatives created from the original registered work for business purposes.
  • transfer of copyright
  • Rights may be passed on or sold by the original copyright holder to a third party.
  • ensures safety
  • Copyright protection enables owners to showcase their work without the fear that it will be duplicated without authorization.


Scope of copyright protection

The Copyright Act of 1957 prohibits the unauthorized use of any original literary, musical, theatrical, audio, cinematographic, and other artistic works. Both published and unpublished works can be copyrighted, and the copyright of the original work is reserved for the original creator. Copyright can also be registered for works that were published before 21st January 1958, i.e. before the Copyright Act came into existence.

Copyright protection of original literary, musical, dramatic, and artistic works lasts for the entire lifetime of the author and for 60 years from the year following the author's death. For cinematograph films, sound recordings, photographs, posthumous publications, anonymous and pseudonymous publications, works of government, and works of international organizations, 60 years are counted from the date of publication.


Copyright owner's rights

A copyright owner enjoys the following rights and can only delegate these rights to someone else:

  • Right to Reproduction

No one may copy or reproduce any protected work in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner.

  • Right to Adapt

The exclusive right to the producer to use a piece of his work as he wishes (for example, a book in a film)

  • Right to communication with the public

The exclusive right to disseminate one's original work to the public

  • Right to Public Display

The exclusive right to the owners of artistic and musical works to perform their work in public

  • Right of paternity/attribution

The right of attribution or paternity means that the owner/creator can claim sole authorship over his work. In other words, they can attribute it to themselves.

  • Right to Integrity

This allows the owner to sue for distorting or modifying their work without permission

  • Right to Distribution

The exclusive right to distribute (sell, reproduce, lease, lend, rent, or transfer) your work in any form.


Required Documents of Copyright Registration in Manipur

To register for copyright you will need to provide us with the following details and documents.

Personal details:

  • Applicant's name
  • Address and nationality
  • The name, address, and nationality of the author of the work
  • The nature of the applicant's interest in copyright – whether the applicant is the author of the work or the author's representative copies of original work
  • ID proof of owner and certificate of incorporation if it is for business


Nature of Work

  • Class of work and description
  • job title
  • language of work
  • Date of publication - Publications in internal journals, such as a company journal or a research paper submitted to a professor, do not count as publication.



  1. Three copies of your work
  2. Authorization letter (we will send you)

FAQs of Copyright Registration in Manipur

Copyright registration is the process of officially registering your creative work with the government to obtain legal protection for your original works of authorship.
No, copyright protection exists automatically when you create an original work. However, registration provides additional legal benefits such as the ability to sue for infringement and seek damages.
Copyright registration provides several benefits including legal proof of ownership, the ability to sue for infringement, and the ability to seek statutory damages and attorney's fees.
You can register your copyright by submitting an application to the US Copyright Office either online or by mail. The application will require you to provide information about the work being registered and a copy of the work itself.
Copyright protection lasts for the life of the creator plus 70 years after their death for works created after 1978. For works created before 1978, the term of protection varies.

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